Monday, June 3, 2013

Bilderberg 2013: Just your average charity case?

Bilderberg 2013: Just your average charity case?

People protest against the Bilderberg meeting in central Barcelona (Reuters / Gustau Nacarino)
As approximately 140 members of the global elite prepare to meet in Watford, England, this week for the 61st Bilderberg meeting, British residents may be surprised to see who is forced to foot the bill for security.
This week, the global movers and shakers will check into the 5-star Grove Hotel outside London for four days of wining, dining and comparing notes on how to control the world (June 6-9).

At the same time, thousands of passionate protesters from around the world will gather outside the 300-acre premises, complete with 18-hole golf course, causing traffic jams and general mayhem. Dorothy Thornhill, the mayor of Watford, has raised fears that the activities could also bring "violence."

“I have my concerns about it because it does attract people who can and do cause violence and disturbance,” she told the Watford Observer. “But I am confident the police will be able to minimize that and give them their right to protest.”
It will be the British taxpayers, however, who will be forced to pick up part of the tab for part of the security expenditures; the global elite that will be in town will have its portion covered by its specially designated status.
Hertfordshire Police said the Bilderberg Group has agreed to pay some of the cost of security through the charity called the Bilderberg Association.

Yes, you’ve heard right. The Bilderberg Group, who is suspected by those with a more conspiratorial slant of mind as having designs on global domination (enter sinister laugh, piano music), is actually an officially registered charity case (# 272706).

“According to its Charity Commission accounts, the association meets the ‘considerable costs’ of the conference when it is held in the UK, which includes hospitality costs and the travel costs of some delegates,” the Guardian reported.

And who pays into the Bilderberg charity fund? As the Guardian reported, the charity receives regular “five-figure sums” from two weighty supporters of its benevolent goals: Goldman Sachs and BP.
more @ RT

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